Student at New Bulgarian University “Ceramics and glass in architecture”
08.04.2014- 01.05. 2014- “Art as symmetry” NBU
20.01.2014- 03.02.2014г.- Exhibition ceramics and glass “Light as necessary”
25.06.2013- 01.08.2013- Exhibition “Realized projects”, Bulgarian cultural institute in Bratislava, Slovenia
Summer- Autumn 2013- Mosaic installation “Spirit and matter”, NBU
September 2012- Part of “Museum’s night- Plovdiv” with artistic group .NIE
04.09.2012- 21.09.2012 Exhibition “Claro est sklo” in Czech cultural center
May 2012- Part of “Sofia disha”, workshop with children on topic Bulgarian folklore
20.06-02.07. 2012- Open exhibition in front of National theater , Sofia
October 2012- Part of student’s festival in Sofia University- “Art megdan”
01.12.2011- 10.01. 2012 Exhibition “Sex seasons”, gallery “Altera”
17.01.2011- 30.02.2011- Exhibition “Ceramic” gallery “Art alley”
12.01.2011- Exhibition art glass “ Glass- 100% love in 1200 C” UBA
11.04.2011- 15.04. 2011- Gallery “Altera” Exhibition of glass
20.01.2011- Exhibition “Bridge”, Gallery “Artur”
02.12.2010-22.12.2010 Exhibition “Festival 2010 – Education – Teaching – Results” The Capital’s Library
11.10.2010- Exhibition “In the room of creating and working process, NBU, Sofia”
01.09. 2010- 08.02.2011- Erasmus student in Krakow, Poland at “Jan Matejko Аcademy of fine arts”.
01. 08.2010- 01.09.2010- Exhibition, Germany, Bayreuth hotel “Goldener hirsch”
23.05.2010-30.06.2010 – Exhibition “Etude, Sketches and Experiments”
01.04.2010-01.05.2010 – Exhibition of students- ceramics NBU
30.04.2010- 30.05.2010- Exhibition “Education process and results”- NBU
December 2009- Part of the jury of competition for children’s drawing “No violence”
April 2009- Exhibition Students from NBU, hall “Sredets”