Bohumil Eliáš jr.
Born: 1.4.1980 v Prague
Education: 1996 - 2000 Glass-making school, Kamenický Šenov
2001 – 2007 Academy of fine Art in Prague,
Department figural sculpture, prof.Jan Hendrych
Member of the artists´ Groups Mánes and Rubikon
Solo exhibition:
2013 Galerie La Femme, CZ
2012 Glasgalerie Hittfeld, DE
2011 Gallery Solidet, Prague, CZ
Gallery Špejchar,Chomutov, CZ
Gallery U slunce, Týn nad Vltavou, CZ
2009 Gallery Chagall, Karviná, CZ
2009 Glasrijk Tubbergen, NL
2008 Gallery S.V.U. Mánes Diamant, Jednakujedný, Prague, CZ
2007 Gallery Chagall, Karviná, CZ
Group exhibition:
2013 Galerie La Femme, Bretagne exhibition, CZ
Group Rubikon, Halle, DE
2012 Galerie U slunce, Týn nad Vltavou, Vltavotýnské týdny, CZ
Galerie Internationale du Verre, “Mixed media”, Biot, F
Junge Kunst, Passau, DE
Glasgalerie Hittfeld, Group Rubikon, DE
2011 Neues Rathaus, Weiden/ project under the auspices of the Bavarian government and the Weiden Town), Group Rubikon
Galerie Internationale du Verre, “Monochromy”, Biot, F
2010 Galerie Internationale du Verre, “Polychromy”, Biot, F
2009 Galerie S.V.U. Mánes Diamant, Skupina Rubikon – Figura, Praha, CZ
Connections 2009, Gallery Mánes, Praha, CZ
Galerie Internationale du Verre, “Negative – Positive”, Biot, F
2008 Galerie Internationale du Verre, “Light, the source of life”, Biot, F
Group Rubikon, Zlín, CZ
2007 Etienne & Van den Doel , Oisterwijk, NL
Galerie Internationale du Verre, “Contrast”, Biot F
2006 Galerie Internationale du Verre, “Memory”, Biot, F
Black 06 Pardubice,CZ
Z folio gallery, California, USA
2005 Gallery of Meseum, Uherské Hradiště, CZ
2012 Galerie La Femme, Bretagne, F
2005 Castle Bezdružice, CZ (stone)
2005 Uherské Hradiště, CZ (bronze)
2004 Sv.Jan pod skalou, CZ (wood)
2004 Castle Bezdružice, CZ (stone)
Works in Public Collections:
Východočeské muzeum v Pardubicich, Pardubice, CZ
Musée de design et d´arts appliques contemporains, Lausanne, CH
Ernsting Stiftung , Coesfeld – Lette, D
Bohumil Eliáš jr.
Jindrova 922, 155 00 Praha 5 – Stodůlky,Czech Republic
mobil: 604 329 611